The South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation Social Sciences (SAJRSPER) - ISSN 0379-9069 is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research articles, systematic reviews, commentaries, and letters to the Editor on topics related to Sport and Exercise Science, Physical Education and Recreation and social sciences ( economics, statistics, accounting, business, management, tourism , technology knowledge, politics …etc) sciences. This includes research of topics in the area of Biomechanics, Ki anthropometry, Kinesiology, Perceptual-Motor Control, Motor Learning, sports psychology, Sociology of Sport, Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation, Clinical Exercise interventions, Physical Education, Outdoor and Recreation-related Activities, and Spot Management. Material that is particularly unique and relevant to the subject content at an international and national level would be considered. One volume of three issues is published annually.

The South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation Social Sciences is indexed/listed by the following:

  • Scimagojr
  • SportDiscus
  • Social Sciences Citation Index
  • DHET Accredited
  • Elsevier
  • Medline

Vol. 46 No. 1 (2024): Upcoming

Published: 2024-01-27

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